How Do I Use Questionnaires?
Questionnaires are a way for you to collect vital information from your passengers while they're registering for their trip. Here's how to get started using questionnaires while setting up a trip. First, navigate to the necessary trip and click on Questionnaires.
Pre-Populated Medical Information Questionnaire
You'll notice there is a pre-populated Questionnaire titled 'Dietary & Medical Information'.
Click HERE to watch a video and learn more about how to work with this pre-populated questionnaire. Here's a quick rundown:
- This questionnaire will automatically be included on any new trip
- The first question, Dietary preferences, is the only one that is automatically marked as required
- The entire questionnaire is customizable. You can adjust:
- Which questions are required
- Which questions are included (i.e. you can delete individual questions)
- What order questions appear
- Whether the entire questionnaire exists at all (i.e. you can delete the whole thing!)
- If you don't mark any questions as required, the questionnaire will not appear during the registration path. However, the 'Dietary & Medical Questionnaire' will show as left blank on their passenger dashboard after they complete registration
- Best practice: mark at least one question as required, or delete the questionnaire entirely
How To Edit Questions
To edit a question, click directly on the text of the question itself. You'll be taken to a page where you can edit things like whether or not the question is required, etc. After making adjustments, don't forget to click the Save Questions and Answers button.
Using The Pre-Populated Trip Questionnaire
There's another pre-populated questionnaire titled 'Trip Questionnaire', but this one doesn't have any pre-populated questions. This is more of a blank slate for you to add any questions necessary for the trip.
To add a question, click the Add Question button on the right.
On the next page, complete each section to create your question.
Repeat the process to add as many questions as you need for the questionnaire.
Question Type
Here's a closer look at the types of questions you can create in the Question Type section
- Single Selection: Passengers can only choose ONE answer from a group of choices (i.e. passengers choosing lunch order)
- Multi Selection: Passengers can choose MULTIPLE answers from a group of choices (i.e. passengers choosing multiple activities from a list)
- Text Field: Passengers can give a one-line written answer
- Text Area: Passengers can provide a multiple-line written answer
- File upload: Passengers can upload a file (i.e. if passengers need to upload travel documents like a passport or immunization records)
Creating Your Own Questionnaire
Finally, you're also able to create your own questionnaire. In this example, we'll create a questionnaire that is for collecting passport information. To do so, click Add Questionnaire.
Name it.
You'll be taken back to the main questionnaire page. Locate your new questionnaire and click Add Question.
Create your question on the next page. Since we're asking for passport information, we'll want our passengers to upload an image of their passport. To do so, select File upload and hit save.
What Will Your Passengers See?
As your passengers are registering, they'll come to the Questionnaire section and be asked to answer the questions within each questionnaire. Passengers see one questionnaire per page.
Note: optional questions will say "optional" next to them. Questions marked as "Required" will be unmarked.
After completing the questionnaire section, passengers will be asked to confirm their answers by clicking a Looks good button.
Questions about questionnaires? Let's have a video chat! Or email us at We'd be happy to help you customize this powerful tool to suit your company's needs.