What Questionnaire Will Auto-Populate When I Create A New Trip?

Any new trip created will include an auto-populated dietary and medical information questionnaire. One notable exception is if you make new trips by cloning existing trips that were created on August 6th, 2023 or earlier, these trips will not include the dietary and medical information questionnaire. Check out the video below for a summary of the dietary and medical information questionnaire update and how it will impact you:

How Can I Adjust The Dietary And Medical Information Questionnaire?

Here's a breakdown of how this questionnaire will auto-populate, and how you can customize it if you'd like.

Making A Question Required Or Not Required

When the questionnaire auto-populates, the only question that will be marked as required is the first question titled Dietary preferences.

All other questions will be marked as optional which means they'll be seen as your passengers register, but they can proceed past the questionnaire without providing an answer to those specific questions.

To change if a question is required or not, access the questionnaire from your admin account and click on any question

Then click the Answer Is Required check box to change if it is required or not.

Don't forget to scroll down and save!

Deleting A Question:

To delete any question that auto-populates simple click on the question.

Click the delete button on the bottom of the page.

Then verify by clicking OK.

Deleting The Questionnaire:

If you don't want this questionnaire to appear at all as your passengers register, you can delete the whole thing. Simply navigate to the questionnaire in your admin account and click the Edit button to the right.

Then click Delete.

Then OK.

Best Practice For Customizing This Questionnaire

When customizing the auto-populated questionnaire (or constructing your own) please keep these best practices in mind:

  1. If you don't mark any questions as "Required" they will not show for your passengers as they are registering.
  2. Non-required questions will be visible to your passengers after they complete registration and log back into their passenger dashboard. This can be confusing to some passengers without pro-active communication.
  3. Our recommendation is to make at least one question in your questionnaire "Required"

As always, if you have any questions or need additional help, please reach out to our amazing customer success team. That email address is help@groupcollect.com.

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