How Do I Navigate My Passenger Account?

Congratulations on registering for your trip! You have an exciting journey ahead and the preparation begins with managing your passenger account. Once you've completed registration, you'll be taken to your passenger dashboard. Here you'll be able to do things like:

  • Edit your profile
  • View your payment timeline
  • Manage your payment methods
  • Manage users on your account
  • View other trips you're registered for
  • Manage emergency contacts

Your Account Menu

To view your options for managing your passenger account, click on the Account icon in the top right corner of the screen.

Behold! This menu gives you easy access to everything you'll need to successfully manage your passenger account. Let's go through each one:


This is where you can edit personal information or the password of the person who created the account.

Payment Timeline

Here you can view the total cost of the trip, the remaining balance, as well as any payments or refunds for this trip. You can also view receipts for each individual payment.

Payment Methods

This is where you can see what payment methods you have on file, see which is indicated as Default, add additional payment methods, and change which one will be the default.


On this screen you can see all the email addresses currently associated with this account. If you would like to invite additional users to manage this account (including making payments, editing info, and even canceling), you may do so by clicking the Invite other users link at the bottom of the page

All Trips

On this page you'll see the trips you're currently registered for in this system, and be able to easily access them by clicking GO TO TRIP. If you're only registered for the trip that you're currently in, that's the only one that will appear on this page.

Emergency Contacts

On this page you can view or change any emergency contact on file. You must list at least one emergency contact and you can add more by clicking the Add new emergency contact link near the bottom of the screen.

Log Out

This will log you out of the registration website.

We hope this helps you navigate your passenger account. Please reach out to your tour operator or travel coordinator if you need further assistance.

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