Navigating The Trip Leader Dashboard

As a trip leader, you're able to do a number of great things including: 

  • View passenger progress
  • Send announcements
  • Create lists
  • Enter Bulk Credits

Below, we'll walk through an overview of the functions available to you as a trip leader.

Action Items:

A quick look at the trip leader dashboard will give you an overview of the trip.

You can see if you have passengers behind on payments, waitlisted passengers, passengers missing any registration information, or any incomplete lists.

Clicking on any one of those items will show you a list of passengers that meet that criteria (for example, clicking on "Passengers on Waitlist" will take you to the passengers tab and display passengers that are on the waitlist:

Trip Details:

Trip Details gives a quick reference of the trip's destination, trip status, trip code, registration end date, and editing end date.

Registration Page:

If a registration page has been published, this link can be shared with participants so that they may directly register for the trip.

To get to the Registration Page from the Trip Leader Dashboard, click the Details button in the top right corner:

Your group will need the link to this registration page and the trip code. Select the copy icon to share the link with your group:

For more information on how passengers register for a trip, watch the 'How to Register' video HERE.

Payment Schedule:

Here is a quick view of your groups payment schedule from deposit to the final payment.


Passenger funnel will give you an idea of how many passengers have registered for the trip, and where they stand in the registration process.

Pending: Passengers who have not fully paid their deposit, or those who are missing information.

Confirmed: Comp passengers plus passengers who have paid their deposits.

Comps: Passengers who are complementary and do not have to pay

Possible: Total confirmed passengers plus pending passengers

Trip Minimum: Minimum number of passengers required to operate the trip

Trip Limit: Maximum number of passengers who can be confirmed before a waitlist begins.

Per-Package Passenger Breakdown:

This view shows Pending, Confirmed, Possible, and Package Limit by passenger's package selections.

Pending: Passengers who have not fully paid their deposit, or those who are missing information.

Confirmed: All passengers who have fully paid their deposit.

Possible: Total number of passengers registered for this package.

Package Limit: When a specific package type has a registration limit, the limit will be displayed here.

Quick Access To Common Features:

This dashboard anticipates your needs as a trip leader by providing 4 quick links to the most frequently used trip leader features:

Passengers: see and filter passengers registered for the trip

Announcements: text or email all of your passengers (or a select group) important information.

Bulk Credits: Create, monitor, and distribute a financial credit that will be shared by your group (i.e.: fundraising money)

Lists: Create and manage your lists that will be vital to the day-to-day logistics of the trip (i.e.: bus list, room list, chaperone list, etc.)

A Note on Relocated Items

If you're accustom to the classic trip leader dashboard layout, you may be wondering where access to these items has gone: 

  • Questionnaire
  • Medical Information
  • Flight Manifest
  • Emergency Contacts

Click on the link at the bottom of your trip leader dashboard and you'll be taken to the passenger export page where all this functionality still exists:

All reports have the option to be downloaded as a CSV file which can be used with popular programs like Microsoft Excel and Google Spreadsheets.


This tab allows you to organize passengers by pre-set filters by toggling checkmarks at the top of the page. You may use multiple filters at once to further organize the group by your preferences.

Basic Filters: Breakdowns by passenger registration status.

Advanced Filters: Filter passengers by registration info, trip details, and passenger groups.


Watch the Making Lists video here for more ways to use this great feature.


Announcements give you a way to send reminders and information directly to passengers or emergency contacts using the filters found on the Passengers tab! Announcements can be sent before the start of the trip, and throughout the trip. Announcements allow you to send information but do not allow recipients to respond.

Click +New Announcement in the upper-right hand corner:

Use filters to select an audience for your message. Communication options include an email to account holders, a text message to passengers, and a text message to emergency contacts.

For emails, you may then enter a subject, followed by the message. The signature may also be modified.

At the bottom of the page, all recipients will be displayed for a final confirmation of the intended audience.

Bulk Credits

Watch the Applying Fundraising Money video here for more information on this feature.


Don't forget, we're always here to answer any questions you might have!


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