Problems Logging into Account

Here are a few recommendations to help you log in.

Tip 1: When logging into your account be sure to use the "Login" and not the "Create an account" tab. The system defaults to the screen that allows you to create a new account so if you already have one, you'll want to click the 'Already have an account' link as indicated in the image below. 

Tip 2: Use a desktop computer when trying to log into your account. Though instances are rare, sometimes smartphones or tablets don't cooperate as nicely with the system. Therefore, the recommended method is to always log in using a desktop computer so we know we're attempting log in with the most reliable device. 

Tip 3: Be sure to use the email address and password you set at the time of accepting the trip invite. Passengers may only have one email address on their account.

Tip 4: Clear your browser cookies. We have included the instructions on how to clear your browser cookies HERE.

Tip 5: Update your browser. Here are the instructions on how to update your browser HERE.

Tip 6: Reset your password. From the login screen, click the 'Forgot Password' link.

If you do not receive the email containing the link to reset your password, please check the following

  1. Was the email sent to a spam folder? Or sorted to some other folder for unrecognized senders? Try searching your email for the subject line “Password Reset Instructions”
  2. Are you certain you typed in the right email address to send the password reset link to? If not, scrap this take and start over. 

If none of these suggestions work, please let us know so we can get this resolved for you.

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