How Do I Change a Package Price?

To change a package price, select the trip on the "Active Trips" page: 

Click "Configure Trip" in the left-hand column: 

Select "Packages & Add-ons": 

Choose the package you wish to change:

Edit your package price (1), and then click the "Save" button (2): 


If passengers have selected a package and there has been a price change, our system does the calculation for you, so you'll know that passengers who might have paid in full are now due a refund. An alert is posted on the "Trip Dashboard" on the Checklist, to let you know that passengers are due a refund: 

If you click on "Refunds Due," It will take you to the "Passengers" screen. At the bottom, you will see the list of passengers owed a refund:

If you click on the passenger's name, it will take you to the "Passenger Party Details" page. You can see that this passenger has paid in full, and there was a package price change. There is a refund pending for this passenger, which is clearly marked. Clicking "Refund" allows you to refund the overdue amount:

Refund the amount that was overpaid, and type in the reason. A good example would be "Overpayment" or "Package price change, due refund." Then, click on the "Create Refund" button:

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