How Do I Cancel a Passenger?

Start by searching for the passenger that needs to be cancelled. You can use the search bar near the top of almost every page in the system.

Or you can navigate to the necessary trip and click on Passengers.

There's an option to search for them in the list of trip passengers.

Or you can simply scroll down to find them.

Click on the passenger's name, then on the following screen, scroll down and click Cancel.

The next page will break down the passenger's cancelation details and refund options.

  1. Pricing: everything the passenger selected to purchase and the price.
  2. Payment Breakdown: a segmented look at how the passenger paid in trip payments and convenience fees.
  3. Non-Refundable Amounts: the amount paid that is non-refundable (i.e. convenience fees).

  1. Travel Protection: this indicates whether or not the passenger purchased trip protection and if so, what kind. This determines if the passenger is eligible to regain some of the non-refundable funds paid into the trip after filing a claim.
  2. Payment Sources: this will show how much the passenger paid by card and how much was recorded as manual payments.
  3. Refunding: the administrator must select whether to refund the passenger electronically (if available) or via a manual refund (i.e. a paper check).
  4. Confirm & Cancel: click the button near the bottom of the screen to proceed with cancelling this passenger.

After you cancel the passenger, they'll receive and email confirming the cancelation.

This email will let the passenger know their trip registration has been cancelled. It also shares a timeline of when each type of refund can be expected as well instructions for filing a trip protection claim.


Every cancellation is different, but the steps above should assist in successfully cancelling most passengers. However, if a cancelation becomes complex, don't hesitate to reach out at

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