How Do You Export Trip Questionnaire Answers?

Trip questionnaires help you collect information from passengers, but how do you see the results? The best method is to download a .CSV that compiles all answers received from registered passengers. Here's how: 

1. Click Passengers

From the trip dashboard, click on Passengers to the left:

2. Click Export

On the next page about halfway down on the right, click the button that says Export:

2. Click Trip Questionnaire

Make sure to check the Name box and Trip Questionnaire box to export all the answers to the questionnaire. If you do not need to see the name of the passengers, only the questionnaire answers, omit the Name box:

4. Click Export Passenger Data

Click the Export Passenger Data button to download a .CSV file with the desired information:

5. Check the file

Check your downloads, locate the file and ensure it includes the information you need:

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