Paying a Bulk Credit with a School Credit Card

Groups or schools occasionally may ask to make a bulk payment with a credit card instead of sending a check.

If you have credit card fees set up, they'll be asked to pay the additional fees. The checkout screen will show the fee you have set for that trip.

Making the Bulk Credit Payment

These are the steps you as the administrator or the trip leader themselves must go through to make a bulk credit payment with a credit card.

The trip leader will need to login to their account and click the Bulk Credits section under Manage Trip.

Then, click on New Bulk Credit to get the process started.

Type in the name of your bulk credit and the total amount of funds needed to apply to the passenger/passengers, then click Save.

Next, find each passenger that you'll need to apply funds to. Type in the correct amount in the allocated box. Then click Submit.

Once submitted, the system will ask the trip leader if they'd like to pay the credit Electronically or Manually, click Electronically. They may also add an additional note about the bulk credit in this section. Press Save once you're done.

Click Looks Good if everything looks correct.

If everything looks correct, add your school's credit card information on the payment details page. Then click Pay.

Then you're done! You will then be brought to the payment receipt page to confirm your payments toward your passenger.

Additional Settings

You or your trip leaders may want bulk credits to be applied in certain ways. There are company and trip settings that can be adjusted to customize the bulk credit process so it works exactly how it's needed, particularly with pending passengers and overpayment situations.

Additional Settings for Pending Passengers

The trip leader can not choose to pay electronically for a pending passenger. However, if the bulk credit is in the form of a check, it can be paid towards a passenger's deposit. In order to show pending passengers for trip leaders to choose from, you must enable two settings.

Company Settings:

  1. Click Settings
  2. Click Payments
  3. Check or uncheck the box that says Hide pending passengers in bulk credits.

If you allow trip leaders to mail in payments for pending passengers you want to make sure this box is unchecked.

Trip Settings:

  1. From an specific trip, click Trip Details
  2. Click Yes or No under the Hide pending passengers for bulk credits section

Additional Settings for Overpayment

A trip leader will not be able to overpay an account with a credit card payment. If your trip leader is submitting a manual bulk credit payment and would like to pay a balance that is more than what is owed by the passenger you have to enable an additional setting.

  1. Click Settings
  2. Click Payments
  3. Check or uncheck the box that reads Allow overpayments with manual bulk credits

This will need to be checked to overpay an account.

If you have any additional questions in the meantime, please feel free to reach out to

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