What Happens When A Payment Is Disputed And Resolved?
When a passenger disputes a payment, things can sometimes get a little confusing. That's why we've taken steps to increase communication and visibility for every payment dispute made in our system. Check out this video highlighting our current process:
Dashboard Icons Indicate Which Payment Has Been Disputed
Email Support
Next, the passenger will receive an email notifying them that the dispute has been acknowledged and is being processed by their financial institution.
The passenger's tour operator will also receive an email listing the details of the dispute as well so everyone is on the same page
Video Support
We've also created a video for passengers once they've disputed a payment. It explains what has happened and what they can do from here to resolve the dispute themselves or continue making payments so they can still go on the trip. Check it out:
Also, here's a version for you, the tour operator, so we're all on the same page
Resolution Emails
Eventually, the passenger payment dispute will be resolved by the financial institution. As soon as we get word of the outcome we'll email the passenger to let them know. This is what the email would look like if they "won" the dispute:
Currently, we're not challenging any disputes. However, the passenger's financial institution may still deem the dispute invalid and that the passenger "lost" the dispute. If so, this is the email they'd receive:
Dashboard Icons To Indicate Resolution
Finally, the passenger's dashboard will reflect the results of the dispute. If they "lost" the dispute, the payment on the dashboard payment timeline will revert back to a green checkmark. If they "won" the dispute the icon will change to a red exclamation point to show the payment has been reverted:
Either way, we hope that this increases awareness of what happens when a payment is disputed and resolved. If there are any further questions, don't hesitate to reach out. Until then, take care!